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Amrit Ramos

I am a full-stack software engineer specializing in applications built with JavaScript. Experienced in Node.js, Express.js, React, Redux, GraphQL, SQL, and NoSQL databases. Active contributor to the open-source community.

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About Me

My passion is to create visually stunning websites that capture and convey the unique intention and spirit of each project through carefully crafted design elements and aesthetics.

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Strong preference for easy to use, intuitive UX/UI.

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Websites don't have to be static, I love making pages come to life.

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My layouts work on any device, big or small

Technical Skills


TypeScript | JavaScript (ES6+) | SQL (PostgresQL) | NoSQL |  HTML5/CSS/SaSS | Liquify



Redux | MongoDB | JSON | OAuth | Axios |  GraphQL | localForage | React Hooks | Recoil | React Router | Charts.js 


React.js | Node.js | Express.js |  RESTful APIs | HTTP Protocols |  Test Driven Development (Jest, Supertest) | Object Oriented Programing | Functional Programing


Wordpress | Shopify | Wix | Weebly

Developer Tools

 Github/Git | Webpack | Docker | AWS | Agile Methodologies

My Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do.

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